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Essentially,  Postmates is a platform that connects customers to local couriers that deliver anything from any store or restaurant. Since I started working for Postmates, my requests have been to pick up food from restaurants nearby. I am based out of Chicago, so the information in this blog will be referring to my experience working mostly the Loop area of Chicago.


What I do appreciate about Postmates is that your able to choose whether you want to deliver by car, bicycle, foot, motorcycle, scooter, truck, or van! So you don’t even need a car to start making money with Postmates, as of matter of fact, I recently switched delivering from car to foot, and I will give more details on how that has been going for me.


But first….

Requirements needed to become a Postmate

  • A Smartphone (I Phone, Android, etc..)

  • Pass a background check

  • Attend the Onboarding session to receive a Postmates commecial Prepaid card (so you can pay for your purchases) (Onboarding session is only about 30 minutes)

  • Motivation to want to make extra $$$



Once you are registered and ready to go, you will download the Postmates app on your phone, and from there you will be able to log on whenever you want, anytime you want.

It will instantly show you your earnings for the day, actually after every completed delivery, as well as any tips. You do keep 100% of tips, which easily gives you the opportunity to earn up $25+/hour.

Here is a random screenshot of my earnings from working just a bit over an hour.

The total earnings for this came out to be exactly $30, and I started at 10:50 am and ended at 12:19pm.. It was just a quick shift, delivering food orders in Loop area and River North area in Chicago. I did start delivering with my car when I first started, then I decided just to walk deliveries, since my car is a bit older, and was having some mechanical problems anyway.

So overall, I think this opportunity is great if you have a bike, or if you are highly active like I am, you could just walk deliveries, which normally is short distances in the  loop and River North area.


If you rather drive, I recommend you stay out of the downtown area, as it would be impossible to park your car for free anywhere. The cool thing about the postmates app, is that it shows you the hot spots in the city, and the best times to log on. Here’s a screenshot of the map off of the postmates app.




So as you can see, all of the red shaded areas are the hot spots where you can go to, to receive more delivery requests. You’ll also get tips and info within the same app. The postmates app overall, is very intuitive and easy to use, so i wont go into detail about that.


Overall, working for postmates so far, has been very pleasant, you get your earnings deposited directly in your bank account on a weekly basis (you will need a bank account to receive payment)  You can work and log on whenever you want. Just like working for Uber or Lyft, you are your own boss, and you choose the hours you want to work.


As mentioned before, you keep all of your tips, however, not everyone is going to tip you 100% of the time. That’s just the way it is, but I really don’t dwell on that. If you have a good attitude with a positive mindset, you will receive decent tips, all you really have to do is smile and thank the person for choosing Postmates when you are dropping off your delivery.


Tip: 10am – 1pm and 6pm – 9pm are the busiest hours of the day. Weekends have higher demand, especially Saturdays and Sundays mornings. (At least for Chicago, but it probably doesn’t differ much in other cities)

How are your earnings are calculated?

  • Base rate

  • Per minute waited rate for time you spend at the pickup location

  • Per mile rate for the distance between the pick up & drop-off location

Base Pay

$1.85 is received as a starting pay for accepting a delivery.


Wait Time

$0.10/minute is earned while waiting at the pick-up location.


Distance Pay

$0.94/km or $1.50/mi is earned from the pick-up to the drop-off location.


Minimum Payout


NOTE: During busy times you’ll get a notification on your phone from the app, and payouts are higher than normal, it’s referred as “Blitz Pricing”)

So are you ready to Ride or Drive for Postmates??

I encourage to sign up for Postmates if you have been thinking about it, or if your are looking to earn some good cash in your spare time. If you are going to sign up, use my email as the referral code, and you’ll earn up to $50 by doing so, more cash for you!


(*You’ll earn $25 for completing 15 deliveries and $50 for completing 25 deliveries)


Sign up here >  and use  for the referral code to be eligible for the bonus. I would highly appreciate it, and feel free to ask any questions you might have, I’ll be more than happy to help out.

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An Honest Overview of Postmates


Welcome! On this site, I am going to break down every aspect of being a delivery courier for Postmates. I will mention my personal experience, as well as all of the requirements that are needed to become a postmate, and start earning some decent income.





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